2009 08 27 Basevisit EHGR

On Thursday, August 27, the Gilze-Rijen Aviation Society (GRAS) was a guest at Gilze-Rijen Airbase in the southern part of the Netherlands. Gilze-Rijen is the home base for most of the helicopters of the Defense Helicopter Command (DHC). Up to three operational squadrons are based at Gilze-Rijen, they fly the Apache, Chinook, Cougar and Allouette III.
We were transported by bus to the main runway of this base when we arrived at the main gate. We were positioned on a hill halfway runway 28. All the usual stuff began to fly when we arrived; Apache's, Chinooks, Cougars and an Allouette III were flying in the circuit. Most of the helicopter pilots were very kind and flew after their exercise along us at low level. An Apache performed a very low level fly-by at full speed next to us, it flew that low it almost hit us. This was therefore the photograph of this afternoon. A Cougar made a fly-by at full speed with its landing gear in retracted position. This afternoon had a few more surprises in store. Half an hour after we arrived, two Belgian F-16's reported for and touch and go. One of those Belgian pilots had his farewell at the Belgian Air Force and therefore they flew a last mission for that pilot. This was a nice moment to do a few approaches at Gilze-Rijen, because there were so many photographers. During this afternoon also an AWACS from the German base of Geilenkirchen appeared on the horizon. This large white aircraft made six touch and go's before it left. Each time it made a lot of noise when it came loose from the ground. Between the landings of the AWACS two Dutch F-16s from Volkel Airbase came by and made up to three times a low approach. The highlight of the afternoon was yet to come. As many as four French Mirage 2000s from Cambrais Airbase would perform a fly-by. This great visit would end with the fly-by of a German Tornado from Lechfeld Airbase which is located in the south of Germany. After a beautiful afternoon at  Gilze-Rijen airbase it was time to return home.Some people described this visit at Gilze-Rijen as the best visit ever to this base. Maybe they were right, because the quality of this visit was perfect, there are not many visits which are as good as this one was.

AS532U2  Netherlands Air Force  S-419
CH-47D  Netherlands Air Force  D-101
SA316B  Netherlands Air Force  A-301
AH-64D  Netherlands Air Force  Q-21
E-3A  NATO  LX-N 90455
AH-64D  Netherlands Air Force  Q-21
AH-64D  Netherlands Air Force  Q-21
AH-64D  Netherlands Air Force  Q-21
AS532U2  Netherlands Air Force  S-419
E-3A  NATO  LX-N 90455
AH-64D  Netherlands Air Force  Q-21
PC-7  Netherlands Air Force  L-07
Mirage 2000C  French Air Force 103-YC/83
CH-47D  Netherlands Air Force  D-667

2009 08 27 Spotting at EHVK

Volkel Air Force Base is home to 3 squadrons, namely 311 named "Skido", 312 named "Bonzo" and 313 named "Tiger". They all fly the F-16AM.

F-16AM  Netherlands Air Force  J-062
F-16AM  Netherlands Air Force  J-062
F-16AM  Netherlands Air Force  J-005
F-16AM  Netherlands Air Force  J-021
F-16AM  Netherlands Air Force  J-136
F-16AM  Netherlands Air Force  J-637
F-16AM  Netherlands Air Force  J-637