2005 07 20 Kleine Brogel COMAO

Kleine Brogel, home of the 10th Tactical Wing, Belgian Armed Forces, hosted a large Operational Integration Exercise during July with the participation of seventy aircraft and almost two hundred and fifty aircrew. A spottersday was held on Wednesday 20 July.
The first jets that drew our attention when entering the base were four Romanian Air Force MiG-21s, a single Su-22UM-3K, in a attractive tiger colour scheme, and a CASA 295, both from the Polish Air Force. The tone of which caliber this spottersday was made of, was set immediately. And throughout the day the quality wouldn't slip back.
Unfortunately the Romanians and the Polish didn't fly in the COMAO. But there were some other very interesting participants in the form of two French Navy Rafale Ms together with four Super Etendards from 11F and 17F. Two other exotic aircraft came from Araxos, Greece, namely an A-7E and a TA-7C. Other aircrafts came from Danemark, Czech Republic, France, Germany and Switzerland.
During the spottersday the organisers managed to attract some very nice visitors. Among them were a Canberra and a Jaguar from the RAF, a pair of Tucanos from the French Air Force, a F-4F from the Germans, a Cougar from the Netherlands Air Force as well a Mi-35 from the Czechs.
The day was filled with take-offs, landings and flypasts of the aircrafts participating in the DACT and the COMAO excercise, the visiting aircrafts espacially for the spotterday or from various aircraft in the vicinity, which included aircraft training for the National flypast in Brussels the next day. 
All the organising staff from 10 Tactical Wing at Kleine Brogel should be applauded for organising such a fine spectacle.

MiG-21MF-75  Romanian Air Force  6707
MiG-21MF-75  Romanian Air Force  6305
Su-22UM-3K  Polish Air Force  707
F-16AM  Belgian Air Force  FA-94
Tornado IDS  German Air Force  45+45
That impressive line-up at Kleine Brogel
Sea King Mk48  Belgian Air Force  RS04
Super Etendard  French Navy  30
Mirage 2000C  French Air Force  12-YN/103
Tornado IDS  German Air Force  45+09
Mirage 2000D  French Air Force 3-JV/651
Mirage 2000D  French Air Force 3-IM/603
F-16AM  Danish Air Force  E-195
Rafale M  French Navy  2
Rafale M  French Navy  9
TA-7C  Hellenic Air Force  154477
Super Etendard  French Navy  31

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